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Auto transporting is so easy. You give them your car, they load it into the dock and then they drive away. Sure you pay them some money, but nothing in life is free. Ever drive down the highway and see a truck carrying dozens of cars, cars with rear ends dangling off of the gate, […]

An Auto Shipper Saves

Moving isn’t easy. Transporting your life across state lines, hundreds, sometimes thousands of miles away is an exciting endeavor, but it can be painful. Let’s say your brother died two years ago. Now that your family is dwindling, and you can’t quite make it by living in the same house off of your bartenders salary, you’ve decided to move home, back to Florida.

Forego The Hassle: Choose Car Shipping

Everyone loves a good road trip now and again, but sometimes, you really aren’t missing all that much. Instead, you end up bleeding cash to fill up the tank and your cramped up legs are putting you at risk for deep vein thrombosis! I’d rather use the money towards car transport services, but in case you’re wondering about all the “great” stuff you’re missing out on, check out our list of things to (not) see:

Transporting a Car Made Easy

Just a few weeks ago I had received word that I would be getting a job transfer from New York all the way to Texas. I wasn’t looking forward to the process of picking up my entire life and moving it down South. Of course I was excited to move, but I only had a limited amount of time to sell my house, pack up my things and get everything ready for the big day...

Transporting a Car in the Winter

If you live in the Northeast, I’m sure the great “snowpocalypse” of 2010 wreaked havoc in your neighborhood. New York was hit hard and it’ll probably take weeks for some of those massive snow mounds to melt. Some towns saw up to two feet of snow! That’s probably nothing compared to some Midwest states, but it’s a lot for us! ...